Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Honoring Trump for the creation of the vaccine would make a perfect closing to this hellish year.

Honoring Trump for the creation of the vaccine would make a perfect closing to this hellish year.

It's quite a historic and bizarre travesty to hear rumors that Trump is claiming credit for the creation of the Covid-19 vaccine. From day one 10 months ago, Trump denied the lethal menace of the virus, even after warnings from top doctors and scientists on the fatal capabilities of the plague. His personal comfort then is his personal comfort now: The virus is around the corner and will disappear miraculously. His complete indifference to the sciences has been responsible for tens of thousands of deaths. The only credit he deserves is for turning the mask, the most effective tool in the prevention of the infection, into a political symbol. Under his guidance, his followers refused to wear masks or practice social distancing. The relatives of the 300,000 fatalities of the pandemic don't deserve the punishment of being immunized with a vaccine named in honor of Trump.
Andres Dobles

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