Sunday, December 13, 2020

Vaccine: A Vial of Hope

 Vaccine: A Vial of Hope

Finally, a light of hope is shining upon humanity. For almost a year, anxiety, desperation, and frustration are the daily life companions of a generation of people sharing the planet with this deadly virus. Thanks to the great efforts of dedicated women and men of science, an achievement of many years was accomplished in less than a year: the invention of the coronavirus vaccine. With that mission accomplished, now government authorities must begin the intricate journey of the distribution route. Among the obstacles in that route are supply and demand. How soon could this phase of distribution be balanced to accomplish the vaccination of 330 million Americans? There will be perennial opposition to the vaccine from some religious groups. African Americans, Latinos and Native-Americans have their own reasons to distrust the medical system. It would certainly be a difficult task to convince those who refuse to wear masks or practice social distancing to get vaccinated. The invention of the coronavirus vaccine is the most important event of this century, but the timing of its eradication is purely up to human behavior.

Andres Dobles

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