Thursday, May 11, 2017

Observing the economic crisis affecting every social institution in Puerto Rico,I came to the conclusion that this is a perfect time to ask the U.S. for a monetary restitusion for the horrible damages inflicted to the island and its people during the 119 years of colonialism.
causing terrible suffering and anxiety.This is an island used by the U.S. as bombing practice target in their exercises of war.The military airports and Navy bases made the island a premier military target during the "cold war years"for the enemies of the U.S.Vast areas of the island had been used for the testing of chemicals warfare. Thousand of men and women had died in the U.S. wars.As a mean to
alleviate over population and poverty conditions,women had been subject to involuntary surgical sterilysations.Tests had been done on the island's people for results of unproven vaccines.Under the U.S.guard of the island 's coast, hundreds of thousands of undomented immigrands made their way to the island and are now part of its social service programs.Foreign investors use the present economic
system as a revolving door of cheap invertions and huge profits.That is the present economic crisis facing the Nation.
A well deserved monetary restitution from the U.S.will give
Puerto Rico and its economy a fresh start.
Andres Dobles

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